Bachelor’s Degree

Studying for a bachelor’s degree is a 3-year undertaking and results in a qualification of BAC+3 level. Degree courses are taught by French universities, equating to 180 ECTS credits under the European Credits Transfer System. The duration of a degree course is divided into 6 semesters, during which students have a minimum of 1,500 hours of classes.

The 3rd year of a degree course is also accessible to holders of BAC or HSC + diploma.

Several degree courses are available, and are divided into broader fields such as:

    • Humanities, Language and Arts
    • Social Sciences
    • Law, Economics and Management
    • Science, Technology and Health

MCCI Business School provides the three following specialised degree courses:

    • Management
    • Tourism
    • Communication

The three courses are of a 1-year duration and lead to French national degree validated by MCCIBS partner universities, the University of Angers and of Réunion island.

Choosing your course

Business school Mauritius

Careers in Communication – Professional Degree

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Business school Mauritius

Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Management

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Business school Mauritius

Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and Culture – L3

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Why proceed with a Bachelor’s degree ?

  • To obtain an internationally recognised level BAC+3 degree.
  • BAC+3 is the first level of the LMD (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) model, thus allowing a first recognized tertiary academic qualification.
  • It ensures a swifter professional immersion and growth within the workplace.
  • A Bachelor’s degree is a mandatory steppingstone for a Master’s degree.

After a Bachelor’s Degree

A majority of bachelor’s degree holders opt for a Master’s degree in university. Students can choose from numerous specialties, whether in research (Master’s research) or professional immersion (Master’s Pro).

Eligibility for Bachelor’s Degree

  • Students who have successfully completed two years of higher tertiary education, with 120 ECTS credits
  • L2 or L3 students
  • Students with a BTS or diploma, subject to conditions.

BTS / Diploma

The BTS is a two-year program, accessible to holders of a Higher School Certificate or Baccalaureate. This French national diploma is offered in partnership with the Lycée La Bourbonnais under the aegis of the “Académie” of Reunion Island and the French Embassy.

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Bachelor Degree

The MCCI Business School has been proposing for more than 15 years, bachelor’s degree (HSC/BAC+3) in collaboration with the University of Reunion and the University of Angers. The bachelor’s degree is open to Diploma holders as well as executives who wish to upgrade their academic qualifications.

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MCCI Business School has been the first tertiary institution to offer since 2015, work/study programs. Combining academic training and professional integration, this program allows young people to simultaneously familiarize with the workplace whilst preparing for their academic qualification.

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