Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS)

Every business sector develops new technical support positions associated with engineering, research, senior financial or commercial management. The BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur), a state diploma, meets all the requirements in terms of qualifications and skills, with the aim of immediate professional immersion.

Obtained after 2 years, the BTS confers a professional qualification in the commercial and services sectors. The skills acquired meet the challenge of globalization of trade and a changing productive systems which today require profound technological knowledge, operational know-how and managerial competencies.

Statistics from recent years have shown a high rate of employability among BTS holders (100%). As an internationally recognised state diploma,  the BTS can be a steppingstone to pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree both in Mauritius and abroad.

An Internationally Recognised Diploma

The BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) is a national diploma of the French higher education system which is part of the European system of LMD (Licence (Degree) –  Masters – Doctorat – PhD). The European Credit Transfer System which allows a student to move through any educational system of the countries of the European Union. The BTS counts for a total of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

For companies engaged in international competition, the BTS complies with the demands of technical and professional training as defined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO): “A general education that involves the study of techniques and related sciences, the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge related to the professions of the various sectors of economic and social life.” (Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the 21st Century).

Choose your course

Business school Mauritius

BTS Marketing

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Business school Mauritius

BTS Management

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Business school Mauritius

BTS in Computer Science

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Business school Mauritius

BTS Communication

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Choose your Work-Study Program course

Business school Mauritius

BTS Bank

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Business school Mauritius

BTS Insurance

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Why choose a BTS ?

A short professional training (+ 2 years of higher education)

  • The BTS is prepared in two years after a Higher School Certificate or Baccalaureate at the MCCI Business School in partnership with Lycée La Bourdonnais under the aegis of the Rectorate of Réunion and the Embassy of France.
  • Specialization in a professional field and rapid and direct insertion into the workforce.
  • The training combines theoretical courses and practical teachings delivered by professionals.

Discovery of the company

Training internships are organized under the responsibility of the training institution and are the subject of an agreement with companies. For the BTS, the student will need to do an internship of 12 to 14 weeks spread throughout the year and is supervised by a professional tutor.

Further studies after the BTS

Further studies are possible in Mauritius or abroad.
In Mauritius, the MCCI Business School allows you to pursue your studies (full-time or part-time) in bachelor’s and master’s degrees in collaboration with the University of Angers in order to obtain a diploma.
You can also apply for a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree at university or specialized schools in France or Europe.

Admission conditions and registrations

The course takes place over two years in full-time or in “alternance” after the BAC/HSC. It is open to high school graduates and holders of the Higher School Certificate. Each applicant will need to send its application file and go through an interview.

BTS / Diploma

The BTS is a two-year program, accessible to holders of a Higher School Certificate or Baccalaureate. This French national diploma is offered in partnership with the Lycée La Bourbonnais under the aegis of the “Académie” of Reunion Island and the French Embassy.

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Bachelor Degree

The MCCI Business School has been proposing for more than 15 years, bachelor’s degree (HSC/BAC+3) in collaboration with the University of Reunion and the University of Angers. The bachelor’s degree is open to Diploma holders as well as executives who wish to upgrade their academic qualifications.

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Work/Study Program

MCCI Business School has been the first tertiary institution to offer since 2015, work/study programs. Combining academic training and professional integration, this program allows young people to simultaneously familiarize with the workplace whilst preparing for their academic qualification.

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