Project Description
Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS)
Every business sector develops new technical support positions associated with engineering, research, senior financial or commercial management. The BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur), a state diploma, meets all the requirements in terms of qualifications and skills, with the aim of immediate professional immersion.
Obtained after 2 years, the BTS confers a professional qualification in the commercial and services sectors. The skills acquired meet the challenge of globalization of trade and a changing productive systems which today require profound technological knowledge, operational know-how and managerial competencies.
Statistics from recent years have shown a high rate of employability among BTS holders (100%). As an internationally recognised state diploma, the BTS can be a steppingstone to pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree both in Mauritius and abroad.
An Internationally Recognised Diploma
The BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) is a national diploma of the French higher education system which is part of the European system of LMD (Licence (Degree) – Masters – Doctorat – PhD). The European Credit Transfer System which allows a student to move through any educational system of the countries of the European Union. The BTS counts for a total of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
For companies engaged in international competition, the BTS complies with the demands of technical and professional training as defined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO): “A general education that involves the study of techniques and related sciences, the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge related to the professions of the various sectors of economic and social life.” (Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the 21st Century).
BTS Management of SMEs
2 years
L’académie de La Réunion

Course Objective
BTS Management of SMEs has a particular emphasis on versatility in view of enabling future employees to address the needs of SMEs.
The senior technician in management of SMEs works in close collaboration with senior management and is directly answerable to the latter. The job is administrative in nature and requires a high degree of versatility. It involves a number of different activities which are specifically entrusted by management.
As per the scope of duties, the versatility of the superior technician in management of SMEs will enable him/her to:
- Participate in the operational management of the company in terms of administration, accountancy, commerce, human resources.
- Contribute to improve its efficiency by optimizing its organisation.
- Contribute to its sustainability by anticipating its needs, offering development support and participate in activity control by introducing indicators which s/he submits to the director.
- Continuously mobilise relevant IT tools
Course Content
General Syllabus
- General Knowledge
- English
- Economics
- Law
- General Economics and Business Management
Professional Syllabus
- Customer Relationship Management
- Supplier Relationship Management
- Human Resources Management and Development
- Business Planning and Organisation
- Risk Management – Communication
- ICT Tools
This course requires 2 mandatory internships, which are very important in the student curriculum. They foster integration in the corporate world and are also resources for examination purposes.
Job Prospects
Students of BTS Management of SMEs mostly provide assistance in management, administration, commerce and accounting. This course trains professionals in global company management to assist managment (Executive Assistant, Assistant Manager SME/SMI, Commercial Assistant, Executive Secretary, Personnel Administration Assistant). This BTS, created at the request of professionals, offers excellent opportunities that suit the needs of organisations from various sectors.
Further Studies
The possibility of further studies after BTS Management of SMEs is definitely open, with various options such as a bachelor’s degree or Master’s in Accounting, Management, Finance, Sales, Communication among others.